Photography. Writing. Other.

Wednesday, 27 June 2012


I used to go for an art class few years back and the teacher who guided me had once asked to do an assignment. He said, when I would go through the assignment after doing it for a year or so, I can understand what kind of person I am. Moreover someone who doesn't know you at all, can probably know a lot about you by looking at your assignment just once! 
Here are the steps to do the assignment:

The one above, is a small collage of my such book. I haven't yet completed one year but I do it once in a while when I find time. And till now, without realizing, I have stuck quite a lot of pictures of kids, elegant     dresses, scenery, food and cartoons. And it makes sense. I love all of these things. A perfect quote to explain this:

" Quite literally you see what you want to see; and you see your own thoughts and emotional attitudes."
Read more here.