Photography. Writing. Other.

Thursday, 4 July 2013


Hello :] So how was your thursday? If it wasn't good, don't worry, it's friday! And Friday's are awesome. 

So today I was tumblring and I came across a picture where someone had written all the things they are good at doing. And I was like, hey! I want to write all the stuff I'm good at too. 

(p.s - sorry for the terrible, terrible image quality. My dslr battery isn't charged so clicked it on my mobile. )

And so I started writing down the list. I've realized that I'm the kind of person who keeps discounting my good points. If someone didn't like something I did, like example my singing, I would ponder upon it quite a lot... and it's really unnecessary. Your good can never be good enough for everyone you meet. But it should be good enough for you. It should make you happy! Ofcourse you should keep making progress, take your 'good' to a higher level. But you do it at your own pace. Not because you want to prove it to someone that you can be better. This just reminded me of that scene from 'The Perks of being a Wallflower" where Patrik shouts out "I'M BELOW AVERAGE!!" and he's so happy when he says that. I love that scene. You should write a list too, it really makes you feel better about yourself. :]

Another thing that I thought was interesting is about the song I told you about yesterday, Vienna by Billy Joel. I was listening to it a lot and I wondered why he has used the reference of Vienna. And his inspiration turns out to be really interesting. Here's what he says:

"So I go to visit my father in Vienna, I'm walking around this town and I see this old lady. She must have been about 90 years old and she is sweeping the street. I say to my father "What's this nice old lady doing sweeping the street?" He says "She's got a job, she feels useful, she's happy, she's making the street clean, she's not put out to pasture". We treat old people in this country pretty badly. We put them in rest homes, we kinda kick them under the rug and make believe they don't exist. They [the people in Vienna] don't feel like that. In a lot of these older places in the world, they value their older people and their older people feel they can still be a part of the community and I thought 'This is a terrific idea - that old people are useful -and that means I don't have to worry so much about getting old because I can still have a use in this world in my old age. I thought "Vienna waits for you..." 
You should read the rest of it too! Here. :)

I'm sleepy now so nighty night! I have an amazing lunch to look forward to with two amazing people I know (they are in the picture below). :) I hope you enjoy your Friday just as much!

1 comment:

  1. 'This is a terrific idea - that old people are useful -and that means I don't have to worry so much about getting old because I can still have a use in this world in my old age.

    that is really terrific!
